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What is a doula, and what does doula care include?


A doula is a woman who helps women and their families through labor and birth. Here are some of the statistical changes in a birth that a doula makes.


50% reduction in Cesarean rates 
25% shorter labor
60% reduction in epidural usage
40% reduction in Pitocin usage
30% reduction in analgesia (pain medications)
40% reduction in forceps delivery

Six weeks after birth, mothers who had doulas experienced:
        ~ Less anxiety and depression
        ~ More confidence with the baby
        ~ More satisfaction with their partner
Long-term benefits of using a doula:
        ~ Improved breastfeeding
        ~ Increased time spent with baby
        ~ More positive maternal assessments of baby's personality and health, and maternal competence
        ~ Decreased postpartum depression

Having a doula present for your labor and birth has also been shown to increase breastfeeding success, duration and decrease rates of delayed milk production and formula use.


My doula services include:

2 Prenatal Visits

Learning and practicing comfort measures
Relaxation practice 
Learning various positions for labor and birth

General overview of the labor and birth process (this should not replace a childbirth preparation course)
Learning how to make informed choices

Access to Lending Library

Continuous Labor Support

Helping Dad/partner with comfort measures during labor and birth
One to two hours postpartum care at your place of birth
1 Postpartum Visit

Unlimited Phone/Text/Web support throughout pregnancy and up to 6 weeks postpartum.

What is monitrice care?  


Monitrice services are similar to that of a doula, with just a few differences.  A doula does not perform clinical tasks.  The monitrice fulfills the role of a doula plus provides clinical support.  Someone providing monitrice services is one who has training in assessing a woman's vital signs, palpating fetal position, monitoring fetal heart tones, and checking cervical progress (when requested). This may allow you to more comfortably labor at home, and travel to the hospital in active labor. When the woman arrives at the hospital the monitrice then serves in the role of a doula, providing no clinical support.  This is an excellent option for women who wish to labor at home as long as possible before arriving at the hospital.  

 My montrice services include all basic doula services and:
Four to six one-hour prenatal visits, beginning at 28 weeks which may include:

Taking maternal vitals, listening to fetal heart tones, and palpating fetal position

Cervical checks upon your request, at-term and only if indicated during labor. 




Are there things a doula or montrice will not do?   Yes!
* Offer medical advice.  
* Relay your consent or non-consent to the hospital staff or care provider on your behalf.  
* Make decisions for you.


For more information and cost for services, I offer a free one hour consultation to discuss doula and montrice services. Contact me to set up a consultation. 

5201 S. Mission Rd, Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 

(989) 802-2022

© 2016 Family Tree Maternity Center -  Proudly created with

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